making the most of your money

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It’s pretty natural to want to take care of your finances. After all, not all of us can be lottery winners who are lucky enough to have money to burn. Money is one of, if not the most precious resource that many of us will interact with in our lives. It’s the thing that allows you to live your life the way that you want to. It’s the deciding factor for many of life’s biggest decisions. Your career, your home, whether you can travel, whether or not you should have kids.

With so much of your life riding on this one thing, it’s no surprise that the vast majority of people are pretty concerned with making their money work for them. After all, you probably worked pretty hard to earn that money so you want to get the most out of it.

Now, this might sound like a pretty significant proposition but, in fact, it’s far simpler than it seems. Here are a few, extremely simple ways that you can make your money work for you.

Never Impulse Buy

We’ve all been in this position. You’ve found everything you need, you’ve weighed up your options and picked the best products for your needs and your budget, then just as you reach the checkout counter, you see something. Something you never intended to buy that isn’t on your list and certainly doesn’t fit your budget. But there it is, calling out to you, practically begging you to buy it. “Oh, why not!” You think, and into the cart, it goes.

Nine times out of ten this kind of impulse purchase is going to make you feel great for a maximum of five minutes. There’s a rush to getting something on impulse, treating yourself and splurging when you don’t need to. A lot of the time that good feeling has worn off by the time you get home.

Then you’re left with something that you never really needed that just stands as a reminder of the money that you could have saved. The best way to avoid this is always to keep a list of the things that you need to buy and always stick to it. Whether it’s something big or small, never get anything that isn’t on that list. If it’s really that important, then you can get it next time, but you’ll almost always find that you don’t feel an ounce of regret leaving it on the shelf.

Related: 20 Ways to Stop Shopping and Save Money

Look for Advice

When you’re trying to get the most you can out of your finances, one of the best things that you can do is to look for services that make using your money simple and easy to understand. Whether you’re looking for the best possible deals on a wide variety of products, or you’re trying to send money overseas as easily as possible, there are always services available to you that can help. You just have to be willing to get out there and find them.

Learn to Haggle

Now, it’s fair to say that this isn’t going to apply to every single purchase that you’ll ever make. However, there are plenty of situations, often one’s involving large sums of money, where an ability to haggle is going to make a lot of difference. It’s pretty understandable why a lot of people don’t like the idea of haggling, after all, it takes a lot of confidence and can sometimes feel pretty awkward.

The key to achieving that level of confidence is to remember one simple fact: the person that you’re haggling with wants you to buy their product as much as you want to buy it. As a consumer, you actually have a lot more power than you think you do. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground and hold out if you think the price that you’re being charged is unreasonable. As long as you’re not being completely ridiculous then there’s a pretty solid chance that the person you are negotiating with is going to, at the very least, meet you halfway.

The reality is that there isn’t really a single trick that will suddenly make you a whole lot better with money. The truth is that being able to improve your financial circumstances is something that you need to be willing to put time and effort into whenever you can. Otherwise, you run the risk of starting to pull yourself out of a financial ditch only to fall right back in again when you stop paying attention.


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