how to remember to do things


If you’re a busy parent, like me, then you will always have a million things running around in your head.  So many things to remember and it’s the same every single day!

Trying to remember things can be hard work and forgetting things will just contribute to disorganisation and chaos resulting in you feeling overwhelmed.  I know, i’ve been there.

You really aren’t alone in this but there are some simple tools you can use that will help you and they can literally be lifechanging.

Below I will share how to remember to do things when you just keep forgetting!

1. Use a Daily List

This seems obvious but it’s amazing how many people just don’t use lists at all.  There are so many options for daily to-do lists.  You can use any one of these to help you remember things:

2. Use a Master To-Do List

A Master to Do List will change your life!  The problem with a basic daily list is it doesn’t have categories, so you will write down the things you can remember that need doing but inevitably you will always miss something out.

What you need is a memory jogger for your list which is where the master to-do list comes in.

I wrote a post that explains ‘how to use a master to-do list’ which you can read here.  It will cover all areas of your life and ensure that nothing is missed out.

3. Mark it on Your Calendar

I don’t personally use a calendar but I know some people swear by this method.  If you have a large family with lots of activities and school things to remember, a calendar can work well for you to check each day.

Specific calendars such as a birthday book can also be useful to ensure you never forget a birthday!

4. Ask Alexa to Remind You

As well as being great for listening to music and checking the weather,Alexa is great for reminders.  You simply ask her, “Alexa remind me to do xyz”.  She’ll ask you when you want the reminder and that’s it.  The trick is then to do it when she reminds you!

If you add the app to your phone, you can also ask her to add bits to your shopping list so you don’t forget anything.  This will not only help you to remember but save you money too as you won’t be panic buying when you run out.

We love our Alexa and wouldn’t be without her now!  This is ours here.

Related: What are the Best Ways to Save Money

5. Use Your Phone to Remind You

Not as much fun as Alexa, but simple and free to use.  Use your reminders or alarm on your phone.  This is good to remember one-off things such as a Dr’s appointments but if you have a huge list as most of us do, may not work so well!

6. Automate Things

Obviously, this only works with certain things like monthly payments, bank transfers, etc but having things happen automatically will help take the pressure off you and give you less to have to remember.

Set up as many automatic payments, emails responses and anything else you can automate as much as you can.

Hopefully you will find there are plenty of ideas here to show you how to remember to do things.  The best thing to do is pick one or two ways that suit you and make the decision to start today.

Take away that horrible feeling of forgetting something forever!

Do you have any other ideas to add to this list?  If you like this post, please do share it on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, thank you 🙂


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