what does vitamin d3 do for your health


Just lately I have been obsessed with natural health and trying to find ways to help my family become healthier and disease free. It appears that Vitamin D3 can play a part in your health, more than you may think.

Like many people, our family members are no strangers to autoimmune disease and cancer.  I am starting to question why?  Why is it that so many people are suffering from chronic illness and disease?

Most of my findings have resulted in our modern diet.  Food appears to be good or evil and we, as a family have been experimenting with different foods to better our health.

My searches, surprisingly led me to vitamin D3.  Yes, that little vitamin we get from the sunshine.  But, it appears that it goes a lot further than helping us cope with SAD (Season Affective Disorder ).  It appears that vitamin D3 is quite miraculous and has the ability to cure many diseases.  So what exactly does vitamin D3 do for your health?  Today we will try to answer the question in detail.

Before I go any further, I need to tell you that i’m not a health expert.  I’m just a mom trying to keep my family as disease free as possible.  If you decide to take any supplements, please do check with your healthcare provider first.

What is Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 is the vitamin that is made by your skin when you are in the sunlight.  It’s found in humans and animals. The other vitamin, D2 is produced by plants and is the one that is usually, although not always, added to fortified foods. This is usually because it’s cheaper to produce but the health benefits don’t quite rival that of D3.

Vitamin D3 has been shown in studies to be far more important for our health and wellbeing than vitamin D2 and it seems that we are all just not getting enough of it!


What Does Vitamin D3 Do For Your Health?

As well as being important in the development and health of your teeth and bones, vitamin D3 plays a vital part in your immune system.  (This is where I became increasingly interested.  For anyone who follows me, you will know that my son suffers from allergies and eczema and more recently dyshidrotic eczema.  It’s horrific for anyone, let a young boy to deal with).

Vitamin D3 has also been shown to help our bodies resist certain diseases and you will find countless of studies on the internet.

My online searches led me to this book . In his book Jeff Bowles talks about how Vitamin D3 is involved in almost every cell of our body and how we are just not getting enough of it.  His passion for the subject is contagious!

Jeff, based on hundreds of hours of research, believes that modern-day diseases are down to vitamin D3 deficiency and a lot of what he says makes sense.

You only need to read the 300 plus book reviews to see that many people have found his findings fascinating and helpful in combating their own diseases.

How Do I know If I’m Getting Enough Vitamin D3?

The only way to know if you are getting enough vitamin D3 is by getting your GP to do a test or to do a home test yourself. You can buy this kit here of Amazon.

However, if you read the book, Jeff suggests that the standard levels required are just not enough for most people.  Again, I am not a medical professional, so if you wish to understand more, please do read the book yourself and speak to your own healthcare provider.


How Can I Get More Vitamin D3?

To increase your Vitamin D3 sufficiently, food probably won’t be enough and during the Autumn and Winter months, the lack of sunshine makes it even harder.

The best way to get more is through taking a supplement.

Can Vitamin D3 Cure Disease?

This is a very interesting question and one I am still trying to find the answers to. There certainly appears to be a lot of people who benefit from taking a D3 supplement and I have read stories of people who claim that vitamin D3 has cured their disease.  I am quite excited to see if it helps my son.

What are the Best Vitamin D3 Supplements?

I believe the best supplements to take are those ones with little additives.  There are lot of choices so it depends very much on how much you need/want to take.

I like the Solgar brand and for my son, I am using this spray.  I find it easier than trying to get him to swallow a capsule each day and he loves the minty flavour!


It seems from all my research that Vitamin D3 plays and important part in our overall health and can in some cases have an impact on our immune system and certain diseases.

Only time will tell with regards to my son, but i’ll keep you updated!


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