dont waste money

Don’t Waste Money – 5 Ways to Change Your Habits

When it comes to money, most people try very hard to keep their waste to a minimum. Unfortunately, the vast majority are still guilty of a few cardinal sins. Eradicating those could quickly improve your financial efficiency. This will put you on the road to far greater long-term success.

There are some simple things you can do to ensure you don’t waste money. So, what are the worst culprits that you need to look out for and how can you change your habits?

1. Food

Nutrition is the most important aspect of our lives. Aside from the emotional benefits of delighting our taste buds, the energy gained from our food is fundamental to our health. Therefore, it is not an area where you should allow yourself to settle for inadequate solutions.

However, you can still reduce the expenses without sacrificing the nutritional value. Spending less money on food can actually be achieved while improving your diet. This is especially true when cutting out unnecessary takeaways, including coffee.

Take packed lunches to work instead of spending at the local shop or café and you’ll soon be putting pounds back into your pocket. Batch cooking and freezing left overs can also ensure you don’t waste money unnecessarily.

Food forms the backbone of healthy living and should do the same for your approach to your financial spending. Get this right, and the rewards should appear almost overnight.

2. Entertainment

We all love having a few luxuries to provide mental stimulation during moments of boredom. Whether we’re at home or on our commutes, the devices and services we use are invaluable. Searching the internet for special deals and promotions can instantly pay dividends.

Perhaps the best thing you can do, however, is analyse what you’re spending money on. An internet speed test will soon tell you whether you’re paying over the odds for a service you don’t need. Likewise, sticking to online streaming instead of premium TV channels can help you to make big savings.

Choosing a movie night in, rather than the cinema. Inviting friends round instead of going out to eat and having a family games night to keep the kids entertained for free are all good examples of ways to change your habits.

Also don’t forget to keep an eye on mobile phone packages. The big package isn’t good value if you don’t need it. Only pay for the minutes and data that you are likely to use.


Driving is easily one of the greatest skills that anyone can ever learn. However, car ownership doesn’t come cheaply. Many drivers are turning their attention to buying from a used car supermarket or leasing, not least due to the high depreciation rates suffered by new vehicles. But, you could do so much more.

The costs of driving extend beyond the purchase. Compare insurance policies, and you will probably save hundreds of pounds each year. Meanwhile, going the extra mile to drive more economically can work wonders. For starters, combining all daily trips into one is better than splitting them across the day.

Shared journeys and similar tricks are sure to make a noticeable difference too. When added to the potential benefits for the environment, this solution makes sense from every angle.

4. Holidays

Firstly, holidays in themselves are certainly not a waste of money. We all need a break from the stresses of everyday life. However, when we are in holiday mode, it’s so easy to overspend. Out of our normal environment and whilst taking in the relaxation, our spending habits can get out of hand.

There are lots of ways you can make sure you don’t waste money by making some simple changes.  You just need to be mindful and plan in advance to make sure you don’t spend when you don’t need to.

5. Home

There are many ways you can waste money in the home.

How many times have you bought a new piece of furniture when actually, you may have been able to turn your old into new? Changing handles on cupboards or repainting something can make all the difference and stop you from wasting money when you don’t need to.

So, next time you are buying new furniture, ask yourself “do you really need it”?

There’s nothing wrong with spending money in this world. In fact, treating yourself to luxury goods and lavish purchases now again as a treat is fine. Nonetheless, needlessly wasting money is very foolish, especially when you work so hard to earn those funds. Adopting winning habits today should unlock a brighter tomorrow for you.

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